Kita apps are committed to digital transformation to provide daycare centers with end to end solutions.
Kidling is one of four apps provided by Kita, aiming to help teachers mainstream their administrative work in daycare centres. I was assigned to lead the redesign of the app after several trials at redesigning the already published app.
As Kidling went through the critical transition of creating a new interface while maintaining the same backend, the challenge was to elevate the user experience while keeping backend changes in check; but also, develop a solid component library that support future features.
My responsibilities included: UX strategy, workshops, aligning stakeholders, creating prototypes, visual design, interaction design and component library
Flutter - tablet first, mobile second
Better demos for sales
Teacher feedback
Back office and features
Seamless interactions
Intuitive usability
Ease and efficiency
Scalable interface
Re-usable components
Solid infrastructure